EFT, also referred to as “Tapping”, is a psychosomatic powerful Stress reduction technique using elements of exposure therapy & cognitive therapy, with physical stimulation of acupuncture points.
Tapping, while thinking of a stressful event, signals that we are safe here and now, it sends a signal of safety to the emotional brain that counteracts the signal of stress coming from a traumatic memory. It breaks the association in the brain’s limbic system between the stressful memory and the fight-or-flight response.
EFT is a powerful way to come to terms with unresolved childhood issues, change unwanted responses to various emotional triggers, discover hidden blocks, transform limiting beliefs that no longer serve you, and reprogram yourself for freedom, success and a more joyful life.
EFT, also referred to as “Tapping”, is a psychosomatic powerful Stress reduction technique using elements of exposure therapy & cognitive therapy, with physical stimulation of acupuncture points.
Tapping, while thinking of a stressful event, signals that we are safe here and now, it sends a signal of safety to the emotional brain that counteracts the signal of stress coming from a traumatic memory. It breaks the association in the brain’s limbic system between the stressful memory and the fight-or-flight response.
EFT is a powerful way to come to terms with unresolved childhood issues, change unwanted responses to various emotional triggers, discover hidden blocks, transform limiting beliefs that no longer serve you, and reprogram yourself for freedom, success and a more joyful life.